Targeted therapies for solid tumors

Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors - A Handbook for ...
This volume provides readers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview about the range of applications of targeted therapies for solid tumors. The sections of the book have been structured to review the oncogene addicted tumors, the pharmacology and clinical development of new molecularly
The Risk for Anemia with Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors
Over the past few years, molecular-targeted therapies have revolutionized the treatment of cancer and have increased the overall survival times of patients with several types of solid tumors, including trastuzumab for breast cancer, bevacizumab for lung and colorectal cancer, sunitinib for kidney cancer, and sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors | SpringerLink
Targeted therapies have considerably improved the therapeutic landscape of solid tumors and include monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), small molecules, peptide mimetics, and antisense oligonucleotides. The new targets for therapy include growth factors, signaling molecules, cell cycle proteins, modulators of apoptosis, and molecules that promote ...
Targeted Cancer Therapies Fact Sheet - National Cancer ...
Targeted cancer therapies are drugs or other substances that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules ("molecular targets") that are involved in the growth, progression, and spread of cancer.Targeted cancer therapies are sometimes called "molecularly targeted drugs," "molecularly targeted therapies," "precision medicines," or similar names.
Targeted therapy: its status and promise in selected solid ...
This second article in our two-part series on targeted therapies in solid tumors covers the emergence of targeted therapies for the treatment of two common malignancies: lung cancer and breast cancer.
New Therapies for Pediatric Patients With Solid Tumors ...
As new, more targeted cancer therapies for adults are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), researchers are turning their focus to drugs that attack solid tumors in children.
Targeted Therapies for the Treatment of Brain Metastases ...
In view of this emerging but yet undefined role of targeted therapies in the treatment of brain metastases from solid tumors, this review aims to summarize the current knowledge from clinical trials and discusses clinically relevant obstacles to overcome. Open image in new window.
Targeted Therapies for Pediatric Solid Tumors — MD ...
Fortunately, cancer in children is rare with 1 in 300 people being diagnosed with cancer prior to 18 years of age. With this low incidence and overall survival which approaches 80%, the number of children relapsed or refractory cancers who may be eligible for phase I trials is very low.
Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors: A Handbook for Moving ...
Written by recognized experts in the field, Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors: A Handbook for Moving Toward New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment provides a unique and valuable resource in the field of molecular oncology, both for those currently in training, and for …
- Author: Antonio Russo
- Format: Hardcover
Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors: A Handbook for Moving ...
Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors: A Handbook for Moving Toward New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment Antonio Russo, Rafael Rosell, Christian Rolfo (eds.)… جزئیات بیشتر / دانلود کتاب , معرفی کتاب , کتاب فارسی , معرفی کتاب ها , کتب , دانلود کتاب , کتاب جدید , خرید ...
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